Erika Bruhn

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In Defense of Quitting

Sometimes we all need a nudge in a different direction.

If you’re reading this, and ready to make a change, you might find yourself in your 30s, 40s, 50s or older, feeling stuck and wondering what might have been, or what still might be. It’s that feeling that something that felt right when you started just doesn’t feel right anymore. It could be after a week, a month or twenty years.

Often quitting is perceived as not having the perseverance to see something through. I believe it’s actually the opposite.

What if we, as friends, family, and colleagues, looked at the act of quitting as empowering? One that creates space for self-reflection, dreaming and appreciation for what no longer serves a person? Could saying those two words inspire a healthier path? Maybe when you look further, could the words, “I quit” actually reflect a person’s self-awareness, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence?

In Defense of Quitting is a pocket guide to making that tough decision, guiding readers through ten simple steps, exercises and reflections to take when considering a lifestyle change. From leaning into the why, to practicing gratitude, making a plan with SMART goals and rewriting your story, this book delivers practical advice and opportunities for self reflection to readers of all ages.

To quit might just be a lean into what is possible, and a hello to your next healthy step.

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